Benefits for Members

Public Policy
IAMAI helps shape public policies relevant to the digital industry and invites members to submit recommendations for policy documents presented to government authorities.

Working Committee
Members can join working groups based on their business areas to identify, discuss, and resolve industry-level issues in collaboration with regulators.

Research Access
Members receive complete access to all IAMAI research reports (proactive and reactive), serving as industry benchmarks for web and mobile companies.

Speaking Slot at Conferences
Our team strives to offer members speaking opportunities at relevant conference panels.

Complimentary Passes to Conferences
Members receive complimentary invitations to IAMAI's annual conferences, providing valuable networking opportunities.

IAMAI can organize member-partnered roundtables tailored to specific business needs.

International Events & Founders Programs
Discounted invitations to international events and unique Founders' Programs in India and abroad.

Discounted Awards Entry
Special discounts for IAMAI-organized awards, such as the India Digital Awards and India Affiliate Awards, which recognize excellence in the industry.